
WiFi-Extractor. This package allows you to extract passwords and wifi networks from your computer and then save them in a file called "{PC name} information". For info read the README

Primary LanguagePython




The "Tool" package is the basis of everything, it contains the "init" file which allows the extraction of passwords and wifi saved on the computer. It prepares 3 arguments in exactly this order: wifi_list, password_list, networks_dict. Then from here we get the methods: extractWifi, exctractPassword and extractWeb.

  • The extractWifi method extract the names of wifi networks;
  • The extractPassword method extracts the passwords of the related wifi networks;
  • The extractWeb method collects networks and passwords in a dict following the syntax {"WIFI": "PASSWORD"}. More info in the "main.py" file.

The "gui.py" file in the "Tool" folder creates a gui providing a GUI with various settings. The key that says to insert a light works halfway for now in the future it will work properly. More info in the "main.py" file. The "notification.py" file in the "Tool" folder is simply a file for creating a custom notification. In case the image file path doesn't work, you can easily change it.

The "web.py" file in the "Tool" folder is the file that allows you to host a website at the url http://localhost:5000/ and mainly performs the same function as the "gui.py" file but reported in web

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