
Undefined appVersion on Android crashes app

sbehrends opened this issue · 9 comments

While implementing this package in Android I am having an issue while importing the module.

As soon as the module is added to the view I get that appVersion is not an object.

screenshot 2017-09-19 14 06 36

same for me.
I ran "react-native link" and then react-native run-android and it worked

same problem

Tried to fix it myself, but could not do it.
I confirm that the package is proper linked, react-native link was executed and the package appears on Android Studio as part of the project.

This code does something really similar. Still cannot make it work :(

same problem

Actually, I tried to fix it and failed. I wanted to get build number and app version.
If you still struggle with it, with alternative way you can use react-native-device-info.

import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info';

Can you give us a repro example?

@sbehrends sometimes

react-native link

doesn't link all the dependencies correctly can you check if in your MainApplication.java you have the following lines

import com.apsl.versionnumber.RNVersionNumberPackage; //  <-- This Line

  // @NonNull
  public List<ReactPackage> createAdditionalReactPackages() {
    // Add the packages you require here.
    // No need to add RnnPackage and MainReactPackage
    return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            Other Packages here,
            new RNVersionNumberPackage() //  <- This line

@alvaromb for the above mentioned issue, it got fixed as react-native link hadn't linked the dependencies correctly. In your README you can give a section for install manually.. I can give a PR if that's ok..

Sure @nitish24p!

That would be very nice.