- 0
`buildVersion` is not a string on Android
#57 opened by haileyok - 0
showing different version name in react-native - "0.63.3","react-native-version-number": "^0.3.6",
#56 opened by GittyAjay - 0
- 43
Repeatedly performing npm-install fails with EISGIT: Appears to be a git repo or submodule
#13 opened by sdduursma - 3
React/RCTDefines.h file not found
#46 opened by elitorres - 0
Many issues with CeBuilder and ListPro
#51 opened by leonmktg - 0
Implement autolinking for iOS
#50 opened by elisechant - 1
git Refusing to remove it. Update manually
#49 opened by premkh9 - 12
Getting 'undefined' when running on iOS
#26 opened by berzinsk - 6
Error with linking
#22 opened by Azmeer-crescent - 0
Doesn't show app version in ExpoKit app
#47 opened by Luckygirlllll - 3
- 2
- 1
- 7
Execution failed for task ':react-native-version-number:verifyReleaseResources'. > Failed to execute aapt
#41 opened by AnilkumarDO - 1
Release app errors
#43 opened by huytran123 - 7
is this project dead?
#36 opened by tessus - 5
- 2
On Android, versions are 1.0 when a variable with a different applicationId or Suffix is specified
#6 opened - 2
Implement `requiresMainQueueSetup`
#12 opened by bfanger - 3
error with permissions
#20 opened by dht - 1
- 9
Undefined appVersion on Android crashes app
#10 opened by sbehrends - 1
Support RN 0.40
#5 opened by alvaromb - 1
Android support
#1 opened by alvaromb