Attempted to call an undefined method named "getSQLResultCasing"
marcelostrappini opened this issue · 2 comments
marcelostrappini commented
Apparently the method was removed from the ORM
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getSQLResultCasing" of class "Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MariaDb1027Platform".
// My Controller
public function index(
Request $request,
OrderRepository $orderRepository,
OrderGrid $orderGrid
) {
$grid = $orderGrid->getSales($orderRepository->findAllQuery(), $this->getUser());
$template = $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ?
'backend/grid.html.twig' :
return $grid->getGridResponse($template);
// OrderGrid service
* @var \APY\DataGridBundle\Grid\Grid
private $grid;
* Construct method.
public function __construct(Grid $grid)
$this->grid = $grid;
public function getSales(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, User $user)
$grid = $this->grid;
$source = new Entity('App:Order');
* Rest of configuration ...
return $grid;
Another information:
- Symfony: 5.4.7
- apy/datagrid-bundle: "^4.0",