- 0
Grid/Grid.php strtok(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
#1114 opened by Skargne - 1
Compatibility Issue with Symfony 3.4 and `getRootNode()` Method in `TreeBuilder`
#1110 opened by vialcollet - 0
support Symfony 7
#1113 opened by garak - 0
Tag with commit #995a503
#1112 opened by theia-admin - 0
SF 6.4 and PHP attributes
#1104 opened by FredDut - 0
allow false for Column Translation Domain
#1088 opened by Hanmac - 0
function lower(uuid) does not exist
#1101 opened by Jarod-MIDY - 7
Symfony 6.0
#1075 opened by kaamaa - 5
export fails when using custom twigs
#1072 opened by FredDut - 1
- 0
Problem with Export + MassAction
#1055 opened by FredDut - 0
- 1
PHPExcel is deprecated use PHPSpreadsheet instead
#1066 opened by Hanmac - 0
Defining Export and others as Services
#1070 opened by Hanmac - 2
- 8
- 6
Symfony 5 Support
#1060 opened by kaamaa - 16
Maintenance & futur of the bundle
#1040 opened by fsoedjede - 1
composer require apy/datagrid-bundle fails with symfony 5
#1054 opened by k-e-l-p - 3
$(document).ajaxComplete doesn't fire
#1013 opened by vialcollet - 1
- 7
Travis builds are failing due to composer memory limit
#1050 opened by npotier - 2
Is it possible that $row->getEntity() returns null
#1025 opened by lmeyer - 3
Service "grid" not found on Symfony 4
#1033 opened by xgendrea - 7
You have requested a non-existent service "grid".
#1023 opened by tzji7 - 16
Can't display grid
#1021 opened by yanishouachine - 2
defaultfilter with multiple values and filter=select ?
#1046 opened by FredDut - 1
Yaml configuration for entities
#1038 opened by Bomere - 1
ORDER BY on a column from a fetch joined to-many
#1042 opened by simon-rohart - 1
- 3
Invalid DQL query generated when filtering on a column that represents a one-to-many relationship
#1010 opened by reckybalboa - 3
Controller deprecated on Symfony 4
#1034 opened by simon-rohart - 0
- 1
Table very slow with a lot of data
#1036 opened by Jiizen - 8
Doctrine 2.6.1 compatibility
#1001 opened by cyrilprevot - 1
Attempt to call private templating service
#1030 opened by daum - 3
Change source's group when exporting?
#1006 opened by Mopster - 16
"_self template“ doesn't work.
#1022 opened by slince - 1
Implement compatibility with symfony flex
#1020 opened by Scuottolinx - 0
Tweak filter with FilterType === 'select'
#1017 opened by GSpecDrum - 0
Column with id "tweaks" doesn't exists
#1016 opened by GSpecDrum - 4
Pagination and ajax bug
#1012 opened by vialcollet - 1
Compatibility with symfony flex
#1008 opened by nicodmf - 6
Reset without knowing hash
#1007 opened by Mopster - 2
[Syntax Error] Lexer::T_FROM got ':'
#1000 opened by Dakhtara - 1
How to enable bootstrap support?
#1003 opened by ncmf - 3
apy datagrid bundle filter=select is showing error in symfony 3.4. working fine in symfony 2.8
#995 opened by kannanseeni - 3
- 1
edit function in popup
#996 opened by yassinehj - 1