================================================================================= Getting Started ================================================================================= Importing AdPlayer Project into Eclipse ----------------------------------------- 1) File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace 2) Check "Select root directory" 2) Click Browse and select the GIT repository, which should already be cloned to the system. 3) Ensure the directory is selected under the "Projects" section. 4) Click "Finish" 5) Project should be imported to current workspace Building AdPlayer Project ----------------------------------------- 1) Right click "build.xml" > Run As > Ant Build 2) A new "build" directory will be created containing the Ant build output. 3) Note: Eclipse may require you to refresh the project folder's view. This can be done easily by right clicking the project folder and clicking "Refresh." Testing ----------------------------------------- 1) Open the generated demo.html file from the demo directory in your favorite browser. Note: - The demo.html file in the demo folder can not be used for testing directly. Use the one in the build folder instead! - The test page (demo.html) currently uses static ADTECH test tags. ================================================================================= Additional Info ================================================================================= Additional info: https://github.com/labadserver/ Latest version of AdPlayer: https://github.com/labadserver/Adplayer/downloads ================================================================================= ChangeLog ================================================================================= 1.5.2 ------------------ - Various style adjustments. - Default Header and Footer changed to shorter message. - Modified unregister and register order for 'locateParentRegistry.' - Security error fixed that was caused by parentWindow.$ADP. 1.1.1 ------------------ - Version separation added to build routine for version code integration. - 'getVersion' method added to $ADP namespace. - 'log' method added to $ADP.Util - Registry class supports window.name base64 encoded privacy items as fallback and for pop(up/under)s 1.1.0 ------------------ - Folders added and build.xml updated for player/server separation. - Namespace updated to specification; $ADP. - Registry class updated with 'generateId' method. - Registry class supports IFrame privacy item fetching (postMessage and parent crawling) 1.0.0 ------------------ - Workspace preparation for complete re-factor of existing AdPlayer. - build.xml file updated to address new file organization changes. Three build options are now available: 1) default - Builds js, css, and demo files. 2) jsdoc - As above and along with a jsdoc output. 3) release - All above and also zipped for release. - Prototype split to separate files. Direct copies for now.