
This programming manual serves as an open source database on programming languages. The database details information regarding the language's origins, applications, downsides, statistics, and more. Due to the open source nature of this project, we are open to edits that add more languages, improve accessibility, and refine existing content. As more languages establish, the website will update accordingly to keep up with current trends in programming. Our manual intends to help those who may not be sure what language would best suit their needs as well as introduce programmers to other languages they have yet to learn.

Guidelines to Contributing

The following are the rules to abide by when creating and adding onto new language pages(This list may be updated in the future):

  1. Use the "" in the pages folder on the Github repository as a guide to orienting information.
  2. Maintain alphabetical ordering with the header's language list.
  3. Cite where information contributing to the site was taken from.
  4. All information must be accurate and traceable.
  5. All code must compile and run properly.
  6. Text content must follow standard grammatical conventions.
  7. Words must all be correctly spelled.


What is this programming manual?

A database with information on various programming languages. More information can be found at the elevator pitch.

How do I view the content?

The manual can be accessed at Different pages are accessed by clicking on the various language names on the head bar.

How do I compare languages?

Side by side comparisions can be done by first clicking on the "compare" button on the header and then selecting a right and left language.

How do I contribute?

  1. Fork the GitHub repository.
  2. Make changes as desired following the general template.
  • The general template can be found under the pages folder as "".
  1. Once content with the edits, do a pull request.
  2. Request acceptance/denial results release within 7 days.

Why weren't my edits accepted?

Requests are only denied if they do not abide the guidelines or the inclusion/ethics policies.

Why isn't the page content updating?

Give the website a few minutes at least to update. If the site doesn't update with the newly added information, please contact


Equity, diversity, and inclusion are key to our project. Regardless of identity and background, we aim to keep our project open and accessible to all potential contributors to this language database. We actively strive to combat discrimination. A wide range of perspectives helps the project grow and evolve as well as encourage intellectual discourse on computing languages.


Due to the open-source nature of this project, individuals may add on new content or edit current content. Contributors should keep in mind basic code of conduct regarding collaboration. Only changes that comply with our set expectations and values will be considered as additions to this database. Plagiarism is not tolerated and we expect contributors to provide source links as well for other collaborators to be credited appropriately. Hateful speech and private personal information are also not allowed on pages. Lastly, all of our database’s users and contributors reserve the right to confidentiality.

Version History

ID Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Description
1 03-23-2023 MVP (minimum viable product) ready



Copyright Stephen J. Quigley (See MIT License)


Copyright Jason Lee (See ISC License)