
A Task List I had made using ContextAPI. It can add, update and delete notes you made for yourself. This does not keep the state once refreshed or browser session ends. This is only meant to exhibit use of ContextAPI, I will be making one with Local storage and then one with Django handling everything backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Task List I had made using ContextAPI. It can add, update and delete notes you made for yourself. This does not keep the state once refreshed or browser session ends. This is only meant to exhibit use of ContextAPI, I will be making one with Local storage and then one with Django handling everything backend. Though, because getting here was quite an extensive process, I am proud enough to post this basic looking application. It is just about everything that is functional about the internet, in it's root concept. What I mean by this, is that I have the ability add components dynamically, based on exterior actions, such as user inputs. Oddly enough, using React states and life cycle methods, and actually understanding them, was FAR more diffcult than learning how to just use CRUD and API calls to do the same functionality.

Some notes, I am thinking about adding loging authentication for my Django version, but I might want to also try some frontend version of authentication, that will not require Django or some other third party. This I will investigate, but so far I have a certain way of doing it already.