
A javascript image slider with tiles

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A javascript image slider with tiles


Include tileslider.js on the page, and then instantiate it on the desired image container:

var slider = new Tileslider('#selector',{/* options */});

Required Markup:

<element id="selector"><img/><img/>...<img/></element>

Takes images found in the container, using the first as a size guide (unless a strictWidth/strictHeight is set), then creates tiles to use as a transition feature. Should work in most surrounding markup but has not been tested yet.

Release Notes

v0.1 / 2014 Aug 23 Initial release. "Functions". Works in IE9 (barely) and up.


  • tileWidth: Width of the tiles created. Default: 100
  • tileHeight: Height of the tiles created. Default: 100
  • gravity: Whether or not the tiles have a gravitation pull. Not yet implemented. Default: 'off'
  • gravityPull: Strength of gravitation pull. Not yet implemented. Default: 0
  • mode: Transition mode ('manual' or 'auto'). Not yet implemented. Default: 'manual'
  • delay: Delay in 'auto' mode, in seconds. Not yet implemented. Default: 2.5
  • transition: Length of transition, in seconds. Default: 3
  • showPrevious: Whether to show the 'Previous' button. Default: true
  • showNext: Whether to show the 'Next' button. Default: true
  • showNavigation: Whether to disable the navigation area entirely. Supercedes showPrevious and showNext. Default: true
  • order: The order in which tiles should flip. Only 'random' fully configured.. Default: 'random'
  • loop: Whether the last picture should loop to the first. Not yet implemented. Default: true,
  • strictHeight: An absolute height to use instead of calculating it. False or an integer. Default: false
  • strictWidth: An absolute width to use instead of calculating it. False or an integer. Default: false,
  • partialTiles: Whether incomplete edges should act as tiles. Default: true
  • handleExtra: How to handle incomplete edges ('ignore', 'remove', 'color'). Not yet implemented. Default:'ignore'
  • startingImg: Index of the image to start with. Default: 0
  • inactiveTiles: Number of tiles to randombly become 'inactive' during a transition. Not yet implemented. Default: 0
  • inactiveSeq: Sequence to select inactive tiles with ('random' or a list of indexes). Not yet implemented. Default:'random'
  • inactiveColor: Color for inactive tiles. Not yet implemented. Default:'#000000'
  • simultaneous: Number of tiles that will be simultaneously flipping. Default: 5

Known Issues

  • Most settings do nothing right now
  • Math does not always work out properly for some combinations of simultenous tiles flipping and finishing the transition at the desired time.
  • Small tiles result in sluggishness