
Part 1 Gapminder

This part of work uses geonames API to access country information. To reproduce this work, you will need to create an account on geonames.org and save your account name in the .Rprofile file.

The Rmd file can be accessed here.

Part 2 NYT

This part of work uses one of the New York Times Developer APIs, Archive API, which can return an array of NYT articles for a given month, going back to 1851. More detailed introduction of this API can be accessed here.

To use this API, you will need to create an account at https://developer.nytimes.com and register an app to create your own API key. (You can follow the instructions here.) You will also need to save your API key in the .Rprofile file to reproduce my work.

To create the word cloud in my results, you will also need to install the wordcloud2 package. This project can be accessed here.

The Rmd file can be accessed here.

The output is an HTML file, and it can be accessed here. Since you cannot view an HTML file directly on Github and it is a private repo, you might need to fork and clone it to your own computer to see the effects. But have a try! The word clouds look good!