- 2
Still up to date?
#124 opened by targyll - 5
Infinitely Loads.
#122 opened by GidRedstone - 1
- 6
Publish on github directly did not work
#117 opened by JavierR2 - 3
Uploading content doesn't work on Safari browser
#90 opened by jrDev1 - 0
The 3D model appears without its texture/material
#121 opened by AlexBrazil - 0
Webpage doesn't report what a correct file is
#119 opened by arjenandringa - 1
Downloaded package not working
#118 opened by PlayfulRealities - 4
- 1
Publish on github directly did not work
#112 opened by muvich3n - 1
Play/pause an animation
#116 opened by Raulboom - 1
Can u tell me commands for local installation
#115 opened by johnfelipe - 1
Marker Tracker
#114 opened by eredeli - 1
Image Tracking coming?
#113 opened by mechpil0t - 1
- 0
#111 opened by skitsoeffectedpolarbear - 1
Design and usability improvements for 1.0.0
#108 opened by gciandro13 - 8
- 0
Pointing out NOT to use marker Hiro
#109 opened by gciandro13 - 0
Arjs-Studio Responsive for mobile devices
#62 opened by gciandro13 - 0
Support for multiple languages
#93 opened by nicolocarpignoli - 3
Enhance UI flow to make it more easier
#94 opened by nicolocarpignoli - 1
Improve Github deploy loading UI
#95 opened by nicolocarpignoli - 0
Add a QR-Code on the final step
#97 opened by nicolocarpignoli - 1
Can't use latitude of south hemisphere
#107 opened by jbonomo1982 - 1
Improve naming "Download Assets" and where to go after downloading project zip
#104 opened by gciandro13 - 9
Footer's buttons doesn't work for location based: negative latitude not working?
#77 opened by thauska - 1
Add the possibility to customise the border thickness (and possibly the color)
#96 opened by nicolocarpignoli - 0
Allow Vimeo/Youtube video as assets
#105 opened by gciandro13 - 2
Marker-Based audio (mp3) is not working
#73 opened by gciandro13 - 0
Marker Sketcher
#103 opened by gciandro13 - 5
- 2
Multiple models should be uploaded in one demo.
#99 opened by MrXin95 - 2
Project not uploading / Aw snap! on chrome...
#101 opened by ktsimouris - 12
Add "Send feedback" sticky button
#88 opened by Annasmerag - 3
- 7
Marker Page: back button
#64 opened by gciandro13 - 1
- 5
Handle spaces on uploaded file name
#82 opened by cytchemsir - 1
- 10
Boa tarde Thayana!
#89 opened by naluz7 - 3
- 17
- 3
- 3
marker based ar not working on pixel 4 xl
#79 opened by heikog - 11
URLs generate in "HTTP" when personal github page ( redirects to custom URL
#76 opened by arturojreal - 1
- 2
- 2
Publish on github: bug with img content
#66 opened by gciandro13 - 2
Github publish integration
#65 opened by nicolocarpignoli