Coder Academy - Class Challenge App.
Ruby version.
Rails 5.0.4
$ git clone
$ cd <project name>
$ bundle install
This Application is used for Coder Academy teachers and students to view and share class challenges.
Teacher Features.
- Login. (Teachers are the only "users".)
- Create, View & Delete Challenges.
- Search.
- Rate Challenges.
Student Features.
- View Challenges.
- Search.
- Rate Challenges.
Other Info.
Known Bugs
- Star rating won't load.
- Tags not styled correctly.
- New challenge tag field not correctly styled.
- Students cannot view a challenge.
- Teacher cannot log out.
** If there are any more bugs or issues please contact me. **
Design Inspiration.
The choice of colours came directly from the Coder Academy Website to go with the Coder Academy theme.