
Go to Heroku App - Reccomended for mobile.


The idea behind the StreetFoods Project is about food trucks that are tracked around Los Angeles. You open the web app on your mobile phone or smart device and you can see where the trucks are located, you can then pick a truck and order your food and then go to the truck to pay and pick up your food without waiting in line.

Personal Challenges, Enjoyment and Personal Reflection.

  • Implementing Google Maps API and making Maps render on the page.
  • @font-face was difficult for me to understand due to docs/videos assuming knowledge.
  • Overhanging image from the navigation. (moved on, in progress.)
  • Introducing Sass for the first time in a project of my own helped me understand CSS more.

Improvments I could make: - Project and myself

  • Prioritise features. Work on one thing, make it look good before moving to the next thing.
  • Seek assistance instead of struggling for too long.
  • Not be afraid of moving to another part if something isn't ready yet.
  • Main SreetFoods logo needs to overhang over navbar and map.