:globe_with_meridians: Translations manager and checker for Laravel based on 'caouecs/Laravel-lang' translations.
- 1
Is this package abandoned?
#48 opened by geertjanknapen1 - 1
Upgrade to Laravel 10
#46 opened by powlam - 0
Get error when running the check command (not usable without the laravel-lang package?)
#45 opened by dietergeerts - 1
Needs to be updated for Laravel 9
#43 opened by nickdekruijk - 1
Error on package:discover
#41 opened by zkelo - 0
Publish the json file
#36 opened by mohamedsabil83 - 1
Doesn't work with Laravel 7
#34 opened by nickdekruijk - 1
Class 'Arcanedev\LaravelLang\LaravelLangServiceProvider' not found Laravel 5.4.27
#18 opened by abdilahrf - 12
Error with vendor path equals false
#13 opened by silasrm - 4
Upgrade to 1.3.1 break
#15 opened by silasrm - 1
Wrong command description?
#9 opened by lukasmalkmus