
Awesome Collection of amazing mini-projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Multilingual Mini-Projects

Welcome to the Multilingual Mini-Projects repository! Here, we have a collection of fun and simple mini-projects implemented in different programming languages. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn a new language or an experienced programmer looking for a quick coding challenge, you'll find something interesting here.

Table of Contents

Project Ideas

Stone, Paper, Scissors (Python)

  • A classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors implemented in Python. Test your luck against the computer!

To-Do List (JavaScript)

  • A simple to-do list web application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Keep track of your tasks with ease.

Calculator (Java)

  • A basic command-line calculator program written in Java. Perform arithmetic operations effortlessly.

Guess the Number (C++)

  • A number guessing game written in C++. Try to guess the randomly generated number.


  • Play the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe in the Ruby programming language. Challenge a friend to a match!

Chat Application

  • Create a simple chat application where users can send and receive messages in real-time.

Weather App

  • Build a weather application that provides current weather information based on user-provided location data.

Task Tracker

  • Develop a task tracker that allows users to add, edit, delete, and mark tasks as completed.

Recipe Book

  • Create a digital recipe book where users can add, view, and search for recipes.

Currency Converter

  • Build a currency converter that converts between different currencies using exchange rates.

Trivia Quiz Game

  • Develop a trivia quiz game with multiple-choice questions and score tracking.

Blog Platform

  • Create a blogging platform where users can write, edit, and publish blog posts.

Calendar App

  • Build a calendar application that allows users to schedule and manage events.

File Explorer

  • Develop a simple file explorer to navigate and manage files and folders.

Alarm Clock

  • Create a basic alarm clock application with customizable alarms.

Contact List

  • Build a contact management system to store and retrieve contact information.

E-commerce Shopping Cart

  • Develop a shopping cart for an online store with product listings and a checkout process.

Password Manager

  • Create a secure password manager that stores and retrieves passwords.

Music Player

  • Build a basic music player with features like play, pause, and skip.

Notes App

  • Develop a note-taking application with features like text formatting and categories.

Hangman Game

  • Create the classic word-guessing game, Hangman, with a customizable word list.

Expense Tracker

  • Build an expense tracker to manage and categorize personal finances.


  • Implement a chatbot with predefined responses for common questions.

Drawing App

  • Create a simple drawing application with basic drawing tools.

RSS Feed Reader

  • Build an RSS feed reader to aggregate and display news from different sources.

Pomodoro Timer

  • Develop a Pomodoro timer to help users manage their work and break times.

Book Library

  • Create a digital book library to store and organize a collection of books.


  • Build a calculator application with support for basic arithmetic operations.

Movie Database

  • Develop a movie database application that allows users to search for movies and view details.

Language Translator

  • Create a language translator that translates text between different languages.

Expense Splitter

  • Build an expense splitter that helps users divide expenses among friends.

Fitness Tracker

  • Develop a fitness tracker that allows users to record and monitor their workouts.


  • Create a simple command-line or GUI-based Tic-Tac-Toe game.

Recipe Generator

  • Build a recipe generator that suggests recipes based on available ingredients.

Password Generator

  • Develop a secure password generator that generates strong passwords.


  • A simple space-invader game using pygames.

Simple Calculator (Javascript)

  • The Simple Calculator is a web-based tool with basic arithmetic operation.

Feel free to explore, contribute, or add your own mini-projects in different programming languages. Let's make this repository a diverse and educational collection of code snippets.


We welcome contributions from developers of all skill levels. If you'd like to add a mini-project in a new programming language, improve an existing one, or share your expertise, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/new-mini-project
  3. Add your mini-project in its own folder, following the naming convention.
  4. Write clear and concise documentation for your mini-project in a README file.
  5. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add my awesome mini-project in Language X"
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/new-mini-project
  7. Create a pull request.

Our community will review your contribution, provide feedback, and work together to make this repository even better!
