
ARGO specific probes

Primary LanguagePython


This package includes probes for ARGO internal services.

Currently, there are probes for:

  • ARGO EGI Connectors
  • ARGO Messaging service
  • AMS Push Server(through AMS)
  • ARGO Messaging Nagios publisher
  • ARGO Web API
  • POEM service
  • Compute Engine dataflow
  • Argo authentication service
  • HTCondorCE certificate check

ARGO Messaging service

Probe is inspecting AMS service by trying to publish and consume randomly generated messages. Probe creates a topic and subscription, generates random 100 messages with payload about 500 bytes that tries to publish to service following immediate try of consuming them. If the integrity of messages is preserved on publishing and consuming side, service is working fine and probe will return successfull status.

The usage is:

$ usage: ams-probe [-h] [--host HOST] --token TOKEN --project PROJECT
                   [--topic TOPIC] [--subscription SUBSCRIPTION]
                   [--timeout TIMEOUT]


  • (--host): the FQDN of the AMS service. Default: messaging-devel.argo.grnet.gr
  • (--token): secret used to authenticate to AMS service
  • (--project): project created on AMS service
  • (--topic): topic that will be created in project and that will hold published messages. Default: nagios_sensor_topic.
  • (--subscription): subscription created for topic from which messages will be pulled. Default: nagios_sensor_sub
  • (--timeout): Timeout after connection is considered dead. Default: 180

Usage example

$ ./ams-probe --token T0K3N --host messaging-devel.argo.grnet.gr --project EGI --topic probetest --subscription probetestsub --timeout 30

ARGO Messaging service Push Server

Probe is inspecting the AMS push server through an AMS instance.

The usage is:

$ usage: ams-probe -H HOST --token TOKEN -p PORT --verify


  • (-H): the FQDN of the AMS service.
  • (--token): secret used to authenticate to AMS service(admin_viewer or service_admin user)
  • (--port): the port of the AMS service
  • (--verify): SSL verification for the requests library

Usage example

$ ./ams_push_server_check.py -H msg-devel.argo.grnet.gr --token TOK3N --verify

ARGO Messaging Nagios publisher

Probe is inspecting AMS publisher running on Nagios monitoring instances. It's inspecting trends of published results for each spawned worker and raises critical if number of published results of any worker is below expected threshold. Additionally, it will raise warning if numbers are not yet available i.e. ams-publisher has just started and has not yet published expected number of results. It queries local inspection socket that publisher exposes and reports back status with the help of NRPE Nagios system.

The usage is:

usage: amspub_check.py [-h] -s SOCKET -q QUERY -c THRESHOLD [-t TIMEOUT]


  • (-s): local path of publisher inspection socket
  • (-q): simple query that can be specified multiple times consisted of worker name and identifier of published or consumed messages in specified minute interval, e.g. w:metrics+g:published15
    • metrics is name of worker that will be inspected
    • published15 is identifier designating that caller is interested in number of published messages in last 15 minutes
  • (-c): threshold corresponding to each query
  • (-t): optional timeout after which probe will no longer wait for answer from socket

Usage example

./ams-publisher-probe -s /var/run/argo-nagios-ams-publisher/sock -q 'w:metrics+g:published180' -c 50000 -q 'w:alarms+g:published180' -c 1


This is a probe for checking AR and status reports are properly working. It checks if there are available AR and status data for a selected day.

The usage of the script is:

$ usage: web-api [-h] [-H HOSTNAME] [--tenant TENANT] [--rtype RTYPE] [--token TOKEN]
              [--day DAY] [--unused-reports Report1 Report2] [-t TIMEOUT] [-v DEBUG]


  • (-H): the hostname of the web api
  • (--tenant): the tenant name (ex. EGI)
  • (--rtype): the report type (ar or status)
  • (--token): the authorization token
  • (--unused-reports): Report names that are not used anymore.
  • (--day): the day to check (1,2 ..3 means 1 or 2 or 3 days back)
  • (-t): the timeout
  • (-v): prints some debug data when is set to on (by default off)

Usage example

$ ./web-api -H web-api.test.com --tenant tenantname --rtype ar --token 12321312313123 --unused-reports  Report1 Report2  --day 1 -t 180 -v

Compute Engine dataflow

This is a probe for checking the compute engine's dataflow, making sure that all components work as intented. The checking involves the probe publishing a message to AMS, and expecting after some time, to find the same message produced by the system.If the message is identical, and has been delivered in reasonable time, then everything is ok, otherwise, we examine the result, to figure out, what went wrong with the system.

Usage of the script:

$ ce_check.py [-h] [-H HOSTNAME] [--project Project]  [--token TOKEN]
              [--push_topic Push Topic] [--pull_subscription Pull Subscription] [-t TIMEOUT]
  • (-H): the hostname of the AMS endpoint.
  • (--project): the project that holds the topics and subscriptions.
  • (--token): the authorization token.
  • (--push_topic): the name of the topic, where the probe should publish its data.
  • (--pull_subscription): the name of the subscription, where the probe will check for system's response.
  • (--push_subscription): the name of the subscription, where the System will read from.
  • (-t): A timeout option(seconds) for AMS library requests.
  • (-i): a timewindow(seconds) between publishing and retrieving the message that is expected and considered 'healthy' for the system.

Usage example

$ ce_check -H ams-endpoint.gr --project TEST_PR --token test_token --push_topic test_topic --pull_subscription test_sub --push_subscription test_sub_2 -t 180 -i 500

Argo Authentication Service

This is a probe for checking that the authentication service is able to perform mappings for both the Argo messaging service and the Argo web api.

Usage of the script:

$ authn_check.py [-h] --authn-host AUTHN_HOST --authn-port AUTHN_PORT
                      --cert CERT --key KEY --ams-token AMS_TOKEN
                      [--ams-service AMS_SERVICE] --ams-host AMS_HOST
                      --webapi-token WEB_API_TOKEN
                      [--webapi-service WEB_API_SERVICE] --webapi-host
                      WEB_API_HOST [--verify]
  • (--authn-host): Authn host.
  • (--authn-port): Authn port.
  • (--cert): Path to the certificate file.
  • (--key): Path to the certificate's key.
  • (--ams-token): Expected ams token.
  • (--ams-service): The name of the service in authn(default is ams).
  • (--ams-host): The AMS host that authn should target.
  • (--webapi-token): Expected webapi token.
  • (--webapi-service): The name of the service in authn(default is web-api).
  • (--webapi-host): The WEB API host that authn should target.
  • (--verify): SSL verification(default is false).

Usage example

$ ./authn_check.py --authn-host --authn-port 8081 
-cert /path/to/hostcert.pem -key /path/to//hostkey.pem 
--webapi-token tOk3n --webapi-host --ams-token tOk3n
--ams-host --verify

Fetch token

The probe is used to obtain an access token from a refresh token. If the token is successfully fetched, it is stored in /etc/nagios/globus/oidc file and success message is returned. In case there is a problem obtaining or storing token, critical error is raised.

Usage example

usage: refresh_token [-h] --client_id CLIENT_ID --client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
                     --refresh_token REFRESH_TOKEN
  • --client_id: the identifier of the client.
  • --client_secret: the secret value of the client.
  • --refresh_token: the value of the refresh token.
  • --token_file: the name of the file where token is going to be saved.
  • --timeout: request timeout.

Check refresh token validity

The probe is used to check validity of the OIDC refresh token by checking its expiration date. If the token is about to expire in the next 30 days, warning error is raised. If the token is about to expire in less then 15 days, critical error is raised.

usage: check-refresh-token-expiration [-h] --token TOKEN [-t TIMEOUT]
  • --token: refresh token.
  • -t: probe timeout.

Check HTCondorCE certificate validity

The probe is used to check validity of HTCondorCE certificate.

usage: htcondorce-cert-check [-h] --user_proxy USER_PROXY -H HOSTNAME
                             [-t TIMEOUT] --ca-bundle CA_BUNDLE
  • --user_proxy: path to X509 user proxy,
  • -H: hostname,
  • -t: probe timeout,
  • --ca-bundle: location of CA bundle.