

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


CREST-IVE is a variant of CREST a concolic test generation tool for C programs, maintained by the ARISE lab in Handong University http://arise.handong.edu. CREST-IVE is an extension of CREST originally developed by Jacob Burnim (https://burn.im/crest). CREST-IVE enriches user interfaces to make engineers easy to apply concolic test generation in their C program testing. Currently, CREST-IVE extends CREST to the following points:

  • CRETS-IVE uses Z3 for constraint solving (replacing the Yices 1 solver)
  • CREST-IVE can define an initial value of a symbolic variable
  • CREST-IVE can show the internal information of symbolic execution for testers to better understand the symbolic execution progress.


CREST-IVE can work with Ubuntu 14.04,Ubuntu 16.04 and Mac OS, currently. Please find the following instruction to download a constraint solver Z3, to build CIL, and to build CREST-IVE in sequence.

Build CREST-IVE with Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Clone this repository to your local
git clone http://github.com/arise-handong/crestive 
  1. Download Z3 version 4.8.4 (or a more recent version) to the 'lib' directory. For example of Ubuntu 16.04:
cd crestive/lib
wget https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/releases/download/z3-4.8.4/z3-4.8.4.d6df51951f4c-x64-ubuntu-16.04.zip
unzip z3-4.8.4.d6df51951f4c-x64-ubuntu-16.04.zip
ln -s z3-4.8.4.d6df51951f4c-x64-ubuntu-16.04 z3
  1. Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH of libz3.so
cd crestive/lib/z3/bin
  1. Build cil, a variant of CIL for CREST
cd crestive/cil
  1. Build CREST-IVE and update PATH
cd crestive/src
cd ../bin

Build CREST-IVE with Mac OS

  1. Constraint
CREST-IVE can only be built with 

- any version of GCC(Not clang) on Mac OS
- Ocaml version >= 4.02.3 and Ocaml version < 4.06 (for running with cil)
  1. Clone this repository to your local
git clone http://github.com/arise-handong/crestive
  1. Download Z3 version 4.8.4 (or a more recent version) to the 'lib' directory. For example of Mac OS:
cd crest/lib
wget https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/releases/download/z3-4.8.4/z3-4.8.4.d6df51951f4c-x64-osx-10.14.1.zip  
unzip z3-4.8.4.d6df51951f4c-x64-osx-10.14.1.zip
ln -s z3-4.8.4.d6df51951f4c-x64-osx-10.14.1 z3
  1. Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH of libz3.dylib
cd crestive/lib/z3/bin
install_name_tool -change libz3.dylib /crestive/lib/z3/bin/libz3.dylib process_cfg
install_name_tool -change libz3.dylib /crestive/lib/z3/bin/libz3.dylib run_crest
  1. Build cil, a variant of CIL for CREST
cd crestive/cil
  1. Build CREST-IVE and update PATH
cd crestive/src
cd ../bin


A target program must declare one or more variables as symbolic variables. CREST-IVE extracts a symbolic path condition over these symbolic varialbes along a concret execution, and then generates a test input as a concrete value assignments to these symbolic variables. To declare a variable x as a symoblic variable, a target program must include <crest.h> and invoke CREST_int(x) (or CREST_char(x)) at the moment when x is defined by input.

Once symbolic variables are declared, a target program must be built by bin/crestc. For instance, if target/prog.c is a target program, execute the following command:

crestc prog.c

crestc is a script to produce an executable of a target program while inserting additional code (i.e., instrumentation) for running dynamic symbolic analyses along a program execution in background. For code insertion, crestc first invokes CIL to run a source-code transformation scheme as programmed in lib/cil. The source-code transformation inserts CREST API calls at every target program statement depending on thier kinds in order to emit which operation is executed with which operands (i.e., variables or memory locations) in a target program execution. After source-code transformation, crestc invokes a C compiler (e.g., gcc) to build the transformed target program to get an executable. Note that crestc does not produce the executable only, but also a suite of data files (as side-products) needed for CREST-IVE to conduct symbolic analyses.

bin/run_crest runs concolic test generation on an instrumented executable program. The command line options of bin/run_crest are as follows:


<PROGRAM> is a pathname of a target program executable compiled by crestc. <NUM_ITER> gives the maximum number of concolic executions, which is the same as the maximum number of test inputs to generate. <STRATEGY> defines which search strategy will be used for concolic test generation. Currently, CREST-IVE supports six search strategies: dfs for DFS, rdfs for Reverse DFS, random for Random Negation, uniform_random for Uniform Random, and cfg for Control-flow Graph-based heuristics. Depending on <STRATEGY>, we may give an argument [STRATEGY OPTION] optionally. Finally, it is possible to configure CREST-IVE to set the initial value of a symbolic variable at first execution as a random number by giving the -random_init option.

For example of target/prog.c, the following command will start CREST-IVE to generate test input with the DFS search strategy up to 1000 times.

run_crest ./prog 1000 -dfs

The test execution results will be printed out to standard output. In addition, i-th test execution creates stdout.i and stderr.i which capture standard output and standard error produced by running the target program with i-th test input.


CREST-IVE inherits the license of CREST. CREST is distributed under the revised BSD license. See LICENSE for details.

This distribution includes a modified version of CIL, a tool for parsing, analyzing, and transforming C programs. CIL is written by George Necula, Scott McPeak, Wes Weimer, Ben Liblit, and Matt Harren. It is also distributed under the revised BSD license. See cil/LICENSE for details.