
a holder for a plastic bag with a euro hole you can lasercut or 3D print

parametrischer halter mit Euroloch

parametric holder with eurohole

I design a holder for the future erfindergarden prodcuts today so you can hang it on hooks with an euro hole. You 3D print this holder or lasercut out of cardboard or paper and then attach it with tacker to a plastic bag. The

Here the online version http://a360.co/2F6YGom

How you can help?

  • also make more products in a fab lab
  • start a etsy shop
  • do workshops with kids on how to design a product
  • design a euroloch perforator


Andreas Kopp



Thank you industry for the euro hole.


This project is Public Domain (CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0). Nobody cares what you do with this stuff.

For more information, see license.