
persisting geojson data in a postgresql database

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


This is the ARKultur's back-end, all written in Elixir. :^)

How to use ?


A simple docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build should be enough. If it's not the case, please read the documentation below.

To build and run a dev version, you will need to export the data present in .env.dev. I have a little function you can put in your .bashrc to export data to your environnemnt. Use it as a function or it will not work:

# in your .bashrc / .zshrc / whatever
envup () {
    if [ -f ${1} ]; then
        set -o allexport
        export $(grep -v '#.*' ${1} | xargs)
        set +o allexport
    else echo "Could not find ${1}"

source ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc or whatever

# in the command-line
## installing dependencies (assumes you're running a debian-based distro)

## exporting ENV variables
envup .env.dev

## running server
MIX_ENV=dev mix phx.server

Note: When installing the necessary dependencies, install_dev_env.sh assumes you're running a Debian-variant of Linux, feel free to add a check to your own distro and upstream it if that's not the case.

Run the tests

# start postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

# init databases schemas and privileges

# export test env variables
envup .env.test

# run the tests
make test

# or, run all of the test suite (linting, coverage, etc.)
make check

Check available API routes

MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.routes

An OpenAPI specification is also available.

GraphQL tests

As we use graphQL to manage our queries, you can have an interface to test your queries.

MIX_ENV=dev mix phx.server

Go to https://localhost:4000/graphql/hub, then try a query, like so:

  allAccounts {


We use Guardian to generate JWT tokens. To log in, we can use the POST /api/login route with such json field:

	"email": "sheev.palpatine@naboo.net",
	"password": "sidious1337"

You should receive a JWT token, like this:

	"jwt": "some_jwt_token"

You can then just use this as a Bearer token.