Used here:
- Aylur's GTK Shell.
- Rofi (lbonn's wayland fork).
- Warp-Terminal, Alacritty, Kitty.
- Hyprlock, hyprpicker., hypridle
- Music Player Daemon + ncmpcpp & mpd-mpris.
- Wallpaper utility: wbg.
- Clipboard manager: CopyQ.
- Notification Daemon: AGS.
- Zsh, ble.sh(Bash).
- GTK Theme: One-Dark.
- Gradience adw-gtk3
- Cursor: Colloid.
- GNU Stow
- Lua
Install GNU Stow, dependencies and clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/ARKye03/HyprDots.git
cd HyprDots
stow . --dotfiles
Have in mind that if stow finds a file that already exists, it will not overwrite it.