
receive guidance on how to properly handle waste before recycling

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Recycle Journey

The Recycle Journey website's backend and frontend are both located in this repository.
Recycle Journey is an instructional website that offers users
the ability to estimate the cost of waste, identify their waste for sale or donation,
and receive guidance on how to properly handle waste before recycling.
Our target goal is people who interest in recycling /don't know how to start
and so aid in the preservation of our globe by improving the aesthetics and sustainability of our blue planet.


  • Create / Read / Update / Delete user's Information Card

Database schema


To run the frontend and backend in developing mode

cd to Backend and Recycle Journey (for frontend) then run.

    npm run dev

API endpoints

All of the responses will be wrapped with this data before sending

Parameter Type Description
success boolean the status of request
msg string message for each request
data JSON the actual data


POST /login

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
email String email
password String password


     "email" : "user1@gmail.com",
     "password" : "1234"



Status Code

200 Login credential is correct

Parameter Type Description
fullname String fullname


        "fullname": "Joji",

noted: If success, the Response will be sent with cookie named UserToken


POST /register

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
fullname String fullname
lastname String lastname
company_organization String company_organization
email String email
password password password
tel String tel
profile_picture String profile_picture


     "fullname" : "Joji",
     "lastname" : "Charpie"
     "company_organization" : "ABC coop"
     "email" : "abcd@gmail.com"
     "password" : "1234"
     "tel" : "0123456789"
     "profile_picture" : "www.mock.com"



Status Code

200 User has been created
no response body

Get all Event and Location


GET /event

Request Body

No Request Body


Status Code

200 found todos


Parameter Type Description
no parameter Array of location all locations or events related to user


the event object

Parameter Type Description
id string id of event
user_id string user id
name string event name
location string event location
contact string event contact
category string event category
description string event description
openAt string event open at
closeAt string event close at
date_start string date event starts
date_end string date event ends
event_url string event url
banner_url string event banner url


        "id": 4,
        "user_id": 9,
        "name": "Recycle & Reuse Fair",
        "location": "321 Main Street, Green City",
        "contact": "Sarah Johnson (555) 321-6547",
        "category": "dono",
        "description": "Join us at the Recycle & Reuse Fair where you can find innovative ways to repurpose items!",
        "openAt": "10:00 AM",
        "closeAt": "10:00 AM",
        "date_start": "September 10, 2023",
        "date_end": "September 12, 2023",
        "event_url": "www.mock.com",
        "banner_url": "www.mock.com",

Create Event and Location


POST /addEvent

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
id string id of event
user_id string user id
name string event name
location string event location
contact string event contact
category string event category
description string event description
openAt string event open at
closeAt string event close at
date_start string date event starts
date_end string date event ends
event_url string event url
banner_url string event banner url


Status Code

200 success


Parameter Type Description
id string id of event
user_id string user id
name string event name
location string event location
contact string event contact
category string event category
description string event description
openAt string event open at
closeAt string event close at
date_start string date event starts
date_end string date event ends
event_url string event url
banner_url string event banner url


        "id": 4,
        "user_id": 9,
        "name": "Recycle & Reuse Fair",
        "location": "321 Main Street, Green City",
        "contact": "Sarah Johnson (555) 321-6547",
        "category": "dono",
        "description": "Join us at the Recycle & Reuse Fair where you can find innovative ways to repurpose items!",
        "openAt": "10:00 AM",
        "closeAt": "10:00 AM",
        "date_start": "September 10, 2023",
        "date_end": "September 12, 2023",
        "event_url": "www.mock.com",
        "banner_url": "www.mock.com",

Edit Event and Location


PATCH /editEvent

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
id string id of event
user_id string user id
name string event name
location string event location
contact string event contact
category string event category
description string event description
openAt string event open at
closeAt string event close at
date_start string date event starts
date_end string date event ends
event_url string event url
banner_url string event banner url


Status Code

200 success


Parameter Type Description
id string id of event
user_id string user id
name string event name
location string event location
contact string event contact
category string event category
description string event description
openAt string event open at
closeAt string event close at
date_start string date event starts
date_end string date event ends
event_url string event url
banner_url string event banner url


        "id": 4,
        "user_id": 9,
        "name": "Recycle & Reuse Fair",
        "location": "321 Main Street, Green City",
        "contact": "Sarah Johnson (555) 321-6547",
        "category": "dono",
        "description": "Join us at the Recycle & Reuse Fair where you can find innovative ways to repurpose items!",
        "openAt": "10:00 AM",
        "closeAt": "10:00 AM",
        "date_start": "September 10, 2023",
        "date_end": "September 12, 2023",
        "event_url": "www.mock.com",
        "banner_url": "www.mock.com",

Delete Event or Location


DELETE /deleteEvent

Request Body

Parameter Type Description
id String id of location


Status Code

200 deleted successfully

no response body