Damn Vulnerable DeFi - Foundry Version ⚒️

How To Play 🕹️

  1. Install Foundry

First run the command below to get foundryup, the Foundry toolchain installer:

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash

Then, in a new terminal session or after reloading your PATH, run it to get the latest forge and cast binaries:

  1. Clone This Repo and install dependencies
git clone https://github.com/nicolasgarcia214/damn-vulnerable-defi-foundry.git
cd damn-vulnerable-defi-foundry
forge install
  1. Code your solutions in the provided [NAME_OF_THE_LEVEL].t.sol files (inside each level's folder in the test folder)
  2. Run your exploit for a challenge



If the challenge is executed successfully, you've passed!🙌🙌

Tips and tricks ✨

  • In all challenges you must use the account called attacker. In Forge, you can use the cheat code prank or startPrank.
  • To code the solutions, you may need to refer to the Foundry Book.
  • In some cases, you may need to code and deploy custom smart contracts.

Preinstalled dependencies

ds-test for testing, forge-std for better cheatcode UX, and openzeppelin-contracts for contract implementations.