Autonomous robotics with TurtleBot2

Our implementation of an autonomous exploring and goal seeking system using the TurtleBot2 in ROS. Utilizes the ROS navigation stack including the adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm for localisation, custom display and mapping modules and a custom-built grid map. Uses OpenCV for visual data processing as well as our novel method of efficient map exploration using unexplored area centroids.

Run Instructions

Step 1: Launch environment

roslaunch ars turtlebot3_training.launch 

Step 2: Launch RViz with map

roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/catkin_ws/src/ars/src/clean_map.yaml prefer_forward_cost_function:=5.0

Step 3: Remove ghost walls after setting 2D pose estimate in RViz

rosservice call /move_base/clear_costmaps

Step 4: Launch

roslaunch ars launch.launch