
Templates and functions for PhiloLogic4

Primary LanguagePython

PhiloLogic4 templates is a powerful web app framework for the PhiloLogic4 TEI indexing library.
To get started, first make sure you've installed the library components in the libphilo repository.
Then, you'll need to install the Mako python module, the only external dependency.
With the prerequisites in place, you can begin the installation process.

Since this is a web application, not a system library, installation is a manual process--
we can't decide the apprpriate place to install it on your system.  

At the very minimum, you'll need to know:
1) your system's hostname or IP address
2) the root document directory of your system's http server, which we certainly hope is apache2.

For the purposes of this document, we'll use http://your-server.com/ as the hostname, 
and /var/www/html/ as the web document root, as is common on many Unixes.
[Mac users: /Library/WebServer/Documents is the standard web document root on recent Mac OS versions.]

First, create a philologic subdirectory in your webroot, like /var/www/html/philologic/
Then create a system directory within it, like /var/www/html/philologic/_system_dir/
Then copy the entire contents of THIS PhiloLogic4-templates directory into /var/www/html/philologic/_system_dir/_install_dir/
Now your system should be set up for PhiloLogic.

To install databases, use the loader.py script, which is contained in the libphilo repo, in the /python/examples/ subdirectory.
You'll need to configure the script with the hostname and directory paths you configured above.
Then run 
$> python loader.py database_name <any number of TEI XML files, a file glob to many or a directory path>
Congrats!  You're done.