
👾 Meetup Repo to create a demo of the power of server-side swift using Vapor framework 👾

Primary LanguageSwift

👾 Meetup Repo to create a demo of the power of server-side swift using Vapor framework 👾


So about this repo, this is a repo which is made as a follow-up to Swift-Cairo's meetup where we talked about Vapor a bit to give you more info about Vapor and a small tutorial

So, here in the master branch you will find...

1. the keynote used in the presentation which includes references to the resources used in the slides

2. the code of the project used

3. the iOS App which was used in the demo to contact the localHost and display some data

If you're interested in knowing more about Vapor through tutorials...

you can check my tutorial about it through checking-out to step-1 branch in this repo and following the tutorial

Or checking out Ray Wenderlich's book

Or checking out the following series presented by Martin Lasik