The Core of the internet of things System consisted of esp8266 . Internet accessibility to insure the data transfer between the sensor and the cloud database Firebase Realtime Database data which is part of the google cloud platform (GCP) This system require using the following technology as the backend of the web platform Restful with PHP(7.0.2) and MySQL (MARIA DB). This system require using the following technology as the Front-end of the web platform: Twitter bootstrap and HTLM/CSS JQuery javascript Framework. The web development process is made with visual code editor installed with it the proper the extensions Hosting website with storage 100GB ,Bandwidth 30 gb per month In the Android platform the System written by java language with android studio ide Android app requires android OS 7.0 and higher to run The web platform requires modern browser and internet access. To Intall Web platform: 1.install xampp the project use gitbash 3.copy to htdocs chrome with localhost/ Client User /pass:admin123 New Clone of LBPOWER System with plus feature: .ADD MAP (GOOGLE API) .overview to the project >>>> .reward>>>>