
Open Source Recipe Database and Web Site

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Open Recipe Data Base

Built with create-react-app https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app Node Express MongoDB

Table of Contents


To install a development version fork or clone this code. And run

npm install

npm run dev

to run tests

npm run test

There is also a seedDB.js file which when run on its own will populate your data base with dummy data for testing and such.

To populate data base with dummy data run from root

node seedDB.js

Just be sure you have mongodb server running


Feel free to fork the code, modify to your liking, host your own version, ect. I may open some issues in the future. Of course, please credit me (Andrew Rogala at https://github.com/ARogala/open-recipe-db) for my initial work on open-recipe-db

Feel free to add some of your favorite recipes to my hosted version but please DO NOT delete all/any of my recipes!!

Future Plans
