
Project developed to make an sentiment analysis using dictionary implemented with MrJob applying a map-reduce model. It can be executed locally or in HDFS enviroments (such as Hadoop or AWS)

Primary LanguagePython


Project developed to make an sentiment analysis using dictionary implemented with MrJob applying a map-reduce model. It can be executed locally or in HDFS enviroments (such as Hadoop or AWS). Real tweets are been downloaded through Twitter API.

Stages of project

Steps dones:

  • Information of location was obtained and tweets with USA location were selected.
  • State gather must be real (States-USA.csv).
  • Dictionary (AFINN-111.txt) with vocabulary was consulted for transforming each word in a number wich get sentiment of words.
  • Mapper stage: each tweet is mapped as (state, sentiment_value)
  • Mapper stage: each tweet is reduced by state. For each state it computes number of record getting (total_sentiment_value,total_record,mean_of_state)

Execution Examples

For executions in local:

python Twitter_MR.py data/data_example.json > data/output_example.txt

For AWS executions using EMR:

python Twitter_MR.py -r emr "path_s3_tweets" --output-dir="output_s3_AWS" --conf-path mrjob.conf --states="path of States-USA.csv" --dic="path of AFINN-111.txt"

Furthermore, for AWS execution mrjob.conf is necessary. It must be filled with your own account data.