
OpenSARlabs notebook testing module and notebook test scripts

Primary LanguagePython


OpenSARlabs notebook testing module and notebook test scripts

The tests are designed to be run in an instance of OpenSARlab.

First, go to https://opensarlab.asf.alaska.edu/, login, and start a server.

Open a terminal and clone the repo into /home/joyvan with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/ASFOpenSARlab/opensarlab-notebook_testing.git opensarlab-notebook_testing

A .netrc file is required for some of the notebooks that are run by the test script. The .netrc file can be generated by navigating to the opensarlab-notebook_testing directory, running the notebook make_netrc.ipynb and entering valid Earthdata credentials.

To do a test run against production OSL, you should be in the 'master' branch of /home/jovyan/notebooks and the 'main' branch of /home/jovyan/conda_environments.

If a feature branch of notebooks or conda_environments needs to be tested, switch into that branch before running the mamba_test_driver.sh script.

To run the test script manually, I like to use the following command so runtime errors are recorded:

cd /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing

source mamba_test_driver.sh 2> errors.txt

If the test script fails to complete, check /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/errors.txt to figure out what went wrong.

The test script should run to completion. When it finishes, check the report in /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/reports for lines that do not include 'PASSED'.

Investigate any tests that resulted in 'FAILED' or 'EXCEPTION'.

Note: It is ofter useful to run individual test scripts. To do so, the appropriate conda environment must be installed and activated.

For example, from a terminal:

cd to /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/

conda activate /home/jovyan/.local/envs/rtc_analysis

python3 Test_Ecosystems_Ex1.py

Alternatively, the test script can be set up to run on a cron in an instance of OSL running in Amazon Workspace. Setup for cron to run mamba_test_driver.sh (Note: This requires sudo access in OSL):

  1. Start an instance of OpenSarlabs in Amazon Workspace (this is necessarry to keep the instance open through internet outages and other interruptions).
  2. Open a terminal in OSL
  3. mkdir /home/joyvan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/keep_OSL_alive
  4. sudo apt update
  5. sudo apt-get install cron
  6. sudo service cron start
  7. crontab -e
  8. Enter the following in the crontab:

DATEVAR=date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S

*/30 * * * * echo $(date) > /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/keep_OSL_alive/keep_alive$($DATEVAR).log 2>&1



25 14 * * * source /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/mamba_test_driver.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

01 15 * * * /usr/bin/find /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/reports -name "*.txt" -type f -mtime +7 -delete

20 15 * * * /usr/bin/find /home/jovyan/opensarlab-notebook_testing/keep_OSL_alive -name "keep_alive*" -type f -mtime +0 -delete