CP-SPP: Constraint-based model for Service Placement Problem in Fog Computing

CP-SPP: Constraint-based model for Service Placement Problem in Fog Computing



[1] F. Ait Salaht, F. Desprez, A. Lebre, C. Prud'homme and M. Abderrahim, "Service Placement in Fog Computing Using Constraint Programming," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), Milan, Italy, 2019, pp. 19-27, doi: 10.1109/SCC.2019.00017.


This repository contains the source code of the CP-SPP model provided in [1] that achieves a service placement in a given infrastructure network based on Choco Solver which is a Constraint programming solver.

An example is provided to run and quickly apprehend the model.

Inputs: property files with the description of : - Network infrastructure and - The services to deploy

Output: The infrastructure nodes on which to place each component of each service.


This project hosts samples based on choco-solver-4.10.0. This is mainly a source project and no executable jar provided. To easily play around with choco-solver, one needs:

  • JDK8+
  • Maven 3+
  • on IDE (eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, etc)


(You can refer to https://github.com/chocoteam/choco-solver/tree/master/examples for more details)

  • Create a repository in which to clone the project and move in it:
    mkdir SPP_code && cd SPP_code

  • Clone the git repository of SPP_code:
    git clone github_link.git

  • Build (install dependencies):

    • From command line : Move to the "java" directory cd java and run mvn clean install
    • From JetBrains IntelliJ : Right click on pom.xml file and select Add as Maven project. All the dependencies is provided on this repository (pom.xml).

Run the code

You can run the project from inside an IDE, by running the main method in src/main/java/io/cprudhom/saica/Placement.java


This repository comes with an example properties files available in the "resources" folder ("./src/main/resources/Infra_Ye_Small.properties" and "./src/main/resources/Appli_Ye.properties"). These files contain respectively the infrastructure and services descriptions (topology(ies), nodes/edges capacities/requirements, ...)

Follow the same conventions while writing your own .properties file.
And if you wrote your own .properties file, please change the argument of the variables "Infra_src" and "Appli" in the main function of java/src/Placement.java accordingly.

Run the project

You can run the project from inside an IDE, by openning the "saica" project and running the main method in java/src/Placement.java

an output would look like this:

Model[CP-SPP], 551 variables, 427 constraints, building time: 0,152s, w/o user-defined search strategy, w/o complementary search strategy

C0 ----> 3;C1 ----> 3;C2 ----> 1;C3 ----> 2;C4 ----> 2;C5 ----> 7;C6 ----> 1;C7 ----> 2;C8 ----> 8;C9 ----> 2;C10 ----> 11;C11 ----> 12;C12 ----> 13;C13 ----> 14;C14 ----> 15;C15 ----> 16;
Model[CP-SPP], 1 Solutions, MINIMIZE nb distinct Hosts = 11, Resolution time 0,239s, 441 Nodes (1 841,5 n/s), 837 Backtracks, 0 Backjumps, 426 Fails, 0 Restarts