Get mass results from BPUT using selenium.

Primary LanguagePython


contributions welcome HitCount

This app is for bput students only!! It uses Selenium as main Scrapper.


The BPUT site has changed recently. I dont have time to modify it further. So in order to use this script, change the find_elements_by_ID throughout the scrapper.py. You can get these by inspecting the BPUT results site. OR you can just develop your own script. GOOD LUCK.


  1. Python
  2. Selenium
  3. No head/ ghost browser : link
  4. BS4


Step 1.

The results will be gathered in the filename in line 7 ofscrapper.py. Open scrapper.py to modify line 17 select.select_by_visible_text('Odd (2016-17)'). Change it to whichever result you want. These can be changed manually.

Step 2.

Run get_rolls.py Set arguements at the end, the roll number i.e registration number and total number of students to get results for.

Step 3.

Results will be gathered in same repo of get_rolls.py , with as both text and json files.


  1. Multiprocessing