

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook




  1. Python3
  2. Sklearn
  3. Matplotlib
  4. Pandas
  5. Catboost, xgboost, lightgbm, sklearn
  6. tqdm

Repo structure badge2

  1. model.py : The python script for the catboost model generates the result csv.
  2. finalsub.csv : The submission file. badge1
  3. main.ipynb : notebook for model.py
  4. download.py : Download the data
  5. zipfilee_FILES/ds_data : train and test csv files to be stored here.
  6. EDA.ipynb : Exploratory Data Analysis of the data.
  7. oversampling : Experiments on Oversampling.
  8. experimental_model_nb dir : Experiments on data
  9. catboost_info : model storage, model graphs(tensorboard files)
  10. Images Images from eda for readme file.


  1. Run on terminal/bash python3 downloads.py. It downloads the data. Extract and move the test.csv and train.csv into zipfilee_FILES/ds_data.
  2. Run the model.py by python3 model.py. It will show the results. Uncomment the last lines to generate the result.csv for test data.
  3. Same with rest .ipynb files. Using jupyter notebook --allow-root


  1. Feature importance


  1. Box plots to see feature variance


  1. Distribution of target values


  1. Train-Test-Validation Split split

  2. After training : A. 100000 iterations with learning_rate=0.01


B. 20000 iterations with learning_rate=0.3 (best)



Briefly describe the conceptual approach you chose! What are the trade-offs?

  • First starting with Exploratory Data Analysis : exploring both the test and train files.Getting the most important features out of 55 feature set, and exploring them thoroughly. Veiwing the number of unique values to get how to deal with the missing values.
  • Training with different models and using ensemble with various algorithms. This dir has all the experimental results. Models that I used are MLPClassifier, KNeighborsClassifier, SVC, GaussianProcessClassifier,DecisionTreeClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier.
  • For all ensemble models and singely each algorithm gave 0.96 accuracy which is absurd due to Imbalance Class issue i.e class 1 in the target value is roughly 0.3% of whole train data.
  • Then I tried oversampling, and undersampling and ensemble sampling, which resulted in no imbalance class issue, but now the models had bad accuracy including the ensemble ones.
  • Next I tried Catboost and lightGBM and xgboost, from which Catboost had the best accuracy.
  • The only trade-off is computational time, which is 10 mins on P100 GPU.

What's the model performance? What is the complexity? Where are the bottlenecks?

  • Model is CATBOOST, a fast, scalable and high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees. As it has GPU support, training was super fast too.
  • Metrics


  • On a standard laptop training for 20k iterations on CPU will take 10-15 mins with 95% accuracy.
  • On GPU training for 20k iterations takes 4-6 mins. Prediction time is <~0.1 sec on the test set.
  • Bottleneck : Transfering the same model, if we train a small dataset with the same parameters, performance will be slower than lightgbm and xgboost.

If you had more time, what improvements would you make, and in what order of priority?

  • PCA visualization.
  • Try voting classifier of deep catboost, lightgbm and xgboost(which will be computational expensive)
  • Write unit testing functions for the data preprocessing part.

FINAL OUTPUT on tensorboard.
