
Test your General Knowledge @

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Alt text

   ___               _             ______                             
 .'   `.            (_)          .' ___  |                            
/  .-.  \  __   _   __   ____   / .'   \_|  ,--.   _ .--..--.  .---.  
| |   | | [  | | | [  | [_   ]  | |   ____ `'_\ : [ `.-. .-. |/ /__\\ 
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 `.___.\__|'.__.'_/[___][_____]  `._____.' \'-;__/[___||__||__]'.__.' 


Test your General Knowledge in different types of topics. This game is inspired on the show "who wants to be a millionaire?". You must answer correctly 15 questions to become a millionaire. Difficulty ascends as you progress in the game and questions and their categories are randomized each time you start a new match. At the end of your playthrough you can optionally register your score in the ranking, however only the top 10 results will be displayed. Have fun! 😀


At the begining of 2020, I decided to improve my frontend skills in order to gain more experience as a Full Stack Developer. I've been learning VueJS since January 2020 and this project is a result of my studies so far. 🔰

Data source for questions


Gameplay demo



  • VueJS
  • Vuex
  • Vue Router
  • Buefy
  • Axios
  • Docker
  • Firebase

Requirements for local setup

Download and Install npm.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Alberto Kato