D&D Colosseum


D&D War is a full stack application where players can make teams out of the most famous of D&D monsters and have them fight other teams of monsters. Battles are carried out using official D&D 5E edition stats as provided by http://www.dnd5eapi.co/ . Players will be presented these monsters in the form of interactable cards. Stop By and have fun!


To use this project, you need to have Maven installed. Follow the instructions below to install Maven on your machine.

Prerequisites Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later Internet connection (for downloading Maven) Installation Steps Download Maven: Visit the official Apache Maven website at https://maven.apache.org and navigate to the "Download" page.

Choose Maven Version: Select the version of Maven you want to install. It's recommended to download the latest stable version unless you have specific requirements for an older release.

Download Maven: Click on the download link for the desired version. You will be redirected to a mirror site.

Select Distribution: On the mirror site, select the distribution package appropriate for your operating system. For example, if you're using Windows, download the .zip file.

Extract Maven: Once the download is complete, extract the contents of the downloaded archive to a directory of your choice. This directory will be referred to as <maven_home> in further steps.

Set Environment Variables: To use Maven from the command line, you need to set the PATH environment variable to include <maven_home>/bin.

run mvn --version

If Maven is installed properly, you should see the version and other details printed on the console.

Create a application.properties file, and set up the necessary dependencies. You will need this to connect to your Postgres Server. Make sure to include a Secret token such as


Backend Logic

This backend consists of several endpoints which the frontend api as seen here https://github.com/052223-java-angular/Soudry-P1-Frontend/tree/continuous-deployment can make HTTP Get and Post requests to login, register, as well as pull monster data and item data. Users must first login to receive a jwt token, which is required to be valid to access site data.

Tech Stacks

  • Java: The programming language used to build the backend.

  • PostgreSQL: Used as the database to persist .

  • Maven or Gradle: Used for managing project dependencies.

  • JUnit: A testing framework for Java applications, used to ensure our code works as expected.

  • BCrypt: A Java library for hashing and checking passwords for security.

  • JUnit, Mockito, and okhttp: Used for unit and integration testing.

  • Git and GitHub: Used for version control.

  • Spring Boot For creating, managing and interacting with postgres database and the third party api. -- Elastic Bean Stalk For Hosting it online

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