Primary LanguageC++


NBRE Architecture


NBRE Modules

  • common
  • fs
  • core
  • jit
  • cmd

Build NBRE From Scratch

  • Set Up Build Environment: Go to directory "go-nebulas/nbre", then execute script "prepare.sh" This step will compile all the 3rd-party libraries that nbre depends on, and the applications used to compile NBRE source code Afterwards, set up environment variables accordingly
$> cd go-nebulas/nbre
$> ./prepare.sh
$> source env.set.sh
  • Compile NBRE source code Create directory "build", then generate makefile via cmake
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
$> cmake --CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
  • NBRE Configuration
    • configuration of nasir
  "name": "nr",
  "version_major": 0,
  "version_minor": 0,
  "version_patch": 1,
  "depends": [
  "available_height": 100,
  "cpp_files": [
  "flags": [
Label Meaning
version_major major version number
version_minor minor version number
version_patch patch version number
depends dependancies
available_height height that the ir takes effect
cpp_files c++ implementation of core protocols
include_header_files c++ header files of core protocols implementation
link_path linking path(s)
link_files linking file(s)
flags compiling parameters
  • Database Configuration
    • Edit file "env.set.sh" to add the following line at the end
export NBRE_DB=go-nebulas/data.db

Module common

  • ipc(inter process communication) basic functionalities of neb_ipc, including: bookkeeper, service, session, queue etc.
  • util
    • bytes: base58 and base64 encoding and decoding functionalities
    • enable_func_if: templates for checking function types
    • singleton: singleton templates
    • version: version management
  • configuration: read ini file and get parameters of JIT
  • ir_conf_reader: read json file and get parameters of nasir
  • quitable_thread: exception handling and thread exit

Module fs

  • Inheritance relationship between fs classes


  • rocksdb_storage: rocksdb related operations
  • nbre_storage: read/write blockchain related info based on rocksdb_storage
  • blockchain: transaction and block data
  • protocol buffer
file meaning
ir.proto meta data of ir, including: name, version, effective height, dependancies etc.
dag.proto dag data structure
state.proto state data structure
block.proto.patch block data structure
  • util

Module core

  • Version management Every 15 seconds, ir_warden will query the block info, and update the ir version number if necessary

  • neb_ipc Inter process communication between NBRE and Neb

  • Check the following flowchat to see the functionalities of version management and ipc


Module JIT

NBRE JIT is based on LLVM, core protocol IR is running on it.

  • NBRE execution time order


  • jit_driver jit_driver serves as the entry of JIT

Module cmd

  • nasir generate ir, more specifically:
Generate IR Payload:
  --help show help message
  --input arg IR configuration file
  --output arg output file
  --mode arg (=payload) Generate ir bitcode or ir payload. - [bitcode |
                        payload], default:payload

  • payload mode (default mode): carry on the name, version etc, which can be executed directly on JIT.
  • bitcode mode: it generates the pure IR code, cannot be executed on JIT, just used for debugging.