Primary LanguagePython

Semantics Transformed Adversarial Training


Code for "Semantically Distributed Robust Optimization for Vision-and-Language Inference", ACL Findings 2022.

SISP Transformations

Violin Annotations file can be downloaded from here.


Steps to generate SISP Transformations

  • get_noun_tokens.py is used to obtain noun tokens for the dataset.
  • hyper_hypo.py is used to obtain the hyper-hyponyms for the nouns obtained by get_noun_tokens.py
  • gen_si.py is used to generate the Semantic Inverting Statements (SI) for a given sentence.
  • gen_sp.py is used to generate the Semantic Preserving Statements (SP) for a given sentence.


Instructions to use the three models - LXMERT, UNITER, VILLA can be found in their respective repository. Additional config parameters are added in train_nlvr2_stat.py file like

  • n_pre and n_post : Epoch range where SDRO should be used.
  • T : % of augmented samples to be used during training.
  • argmax_parents : Set to true when using sample-wise SDRO

A sample training command could be the following

python train_nlvr2_stat.py 
    --config config/train-nlvr2-base-1gpu-stat.json \
    --output_dir /storage/nlvr2_gw_stat_20 \
    --T 0.2 \

The code we have provided may have some local paths to data that you would need to change.


The trained SDRO models for NLVR2 ca be accessed via this link. The zip directory has the following :-

  • models directory which has trained SW-SDRO and GW-SDRO models for UNITER and VILLA
  • txt_db directory which has both training and testing SISP db
  • ann directory which contains the JSON files used for created DB files. Samples evaluation command
    python inf_nlvr2.py --txt_db /txt/nlvr2_test_si_sp.db/ \
        --img_db /img/nlvr2_test/ \
        --train_dir /storage/nlvr2_sw_stat --ckpt 8000 \
        --output_dir /storage/nlvr2_sw_stat --fp16

The results of evalution are written to results.csv in output_dir. The individual SI, SP and original accuracies can be viewed using evaluate_nlvr2_test_results.py script by modifying the path of results file.