Awesome Attribution of Generative Models Awesome

A curated list of resources on attribution of generative models, inspired by awesome-implicit-representations .


This list is intended to introduce the key concepts of attribution of generative models. We hope that this reading list would be great introduction for whom want to start study this topic.

We include short summary of paper if necessary.

Note that this list does not include fake detection or fake localization.

What are attribution of generative models?

Attribution of generative models is a way to trace the source of generated media. Existing research mostly focuses on fake detection or fake localization. However, attribution of generative models is dealing with not only detection but also classification that maps generated media to the responsible generative model or the owner. To achieve stable attribution, the attribution signal should be robust against post-processes (e.g. blur, crop, JPEG compression, etc.). Also, this signal needs to be imperceptible to achieve the original goal of the generative model. Therefore, attribution methods are evaluated using attribution accuracy, robustness, and imperceptibility.

What are the threat cases and why attribution is possible solution?

Attribution of Generative Models is motivated by two types of threat models related to the generative models:

  1. Malicious Generation
    The attackers can create and disseminate generated media for illegal goals (e.g. fake profiles). The attribution can help a law enforcement agency to point out suspects.
  2. Digital Copyright Infringement
    The attackers are the people who download copyrighted digital content (e.g. an art piece created through the assistance of a generative model), makes modification to it, and claims it as their own. In this case, attribution allows the content owner to protect their intellectual property.


Model Attribution

The following list of papers showed that the source model of fake media is attributable.

User Attribution

The following list showed that the users are attributable even if they create fake media using the same structured generative model.

Sufficient Condition Studies

Empirical Studies


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