
Useful utilities for create graphql server and client

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Client Module


The simple way to generate apollo-client with jwt refresh token and authentication helpers.

api description
createApolloClient create zero-config apollo-client with retriable-fetch.
createRetriableFetch create apollo-http-link fetch that refreshes token when jwt token is expired.
import { createApolloClient } from '@frontendmonster/graphql-utils/client';

const apolloClinet = createApolloClient({
    endpoint: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql',
    intialState: {},
    refreshTokenMutation: `graphqlMutationToRefreshToken($userId, $refreshToken) { token, refreshToken } `,
    resolvers: {},
    debug: isDev,
    storage: MyStorage,
    onLogin: (storage, cache, user, accessToken, refreshToken) => console.log(`${user} logged in let's save that on storage and update apollo-cache.`),
    onLogout: (storage, cache) => console.log('user logged out lets reset the apollo-cache and storage'),

Server Module


Extending apollo-server-errors

  • NotFoundError
  • AlreadyExistedError
  • ForbiddenError
  • AlreadyAuthenticatedError
  • UnknownError
  • UserInputError
  • ForbidenError
  • AuthenticationError
  • ValidationError


import { NotFoundError } from '@frontendmonster/graphql-utils/server';

const resolvers = {
  user: (root, input, context) => {
    // ...
    if(user == null) {
      throw new NotFoundError('user'); // throws NOT_FOUND error with UserNotFound message
    // ...


Simple graphql client for testing purpose. You can inject mongodb models and redis instance.


  1. Create a graphql-client instance with schema, mongoose models and redis client.
  2. Use instance.run(query);

GraphqlClient Instace Api

run<T>:: (query, [user], [variables]) => Promise<T>


  • query: graphql query
  • user: will pass to query context for authorization purpos
  • variables: query variables


import { GraphqlClient } from '@frontendmonster/graphql-utils/server';
import { schema, context } from './schema';

const graphqlClient = new GraphqlClient({ schema, context });

const query = `{

const result = await graphqlClient.run(query); // result.data.hello > 'world'