Introduction to modi-SIC

The modi-SIC consists of

  1. Same instructions set (Format 3) of SIC
  2. Same idea of reservation of variables in memory using BYTE, WORD, RESB, RESW

modi-SIC is extened to include

  1. Format 1 instuctions
  2. Immediate Instruction (Format 3) that deals with an immediate value passed to as integer. For the sack of simplification a list of modi-SIC instructions is attached at the end of project description that have all instructions handled by modi-SIC + a full description of a new introduced bit that states if the instruction is dealing with immediate or not.

modi-SIC implementation details

It takes as an input a text file (in.txt) that contains an assembly program written in modi-SIC assembly language containing comments, number lines as shown in figure 1. The modi-SIC assemble will be modified to accept also Format 1 instruction of SIC/XE. So this case must be handled.

Pass 1

Pass 1 should read the intermediate file and produce: Location Counter for all program lines followed by the generation of the symbol table The program should produce as output: • (outpass1.txt) that contains the corresponding location counter of the input Program • (symbTable.txt) that contains the symbol table output of the input program

Pass 2

Pass 2 should read the intermediate file and produce: object code for all program lines The program should produce as output: • (outpass2.txt) that contains the corresponding object code of the input program • (HTE.txt) that contains the corresponding object code of the input program in HTE format.

Immediate Instruction format in modi-SIC All Type 3 instruction could be immediate instructions. It is written in code as

LDA #3

where # represents it is an immediate instruction and the number following the hash is a decimal number. This is done by a new division of bits of instructions of Type 3 (Format 3) as shown in following table. Opcode (7 bits) Immediate flag (i) (1 bit) Indexing (x) (I bit) Address (15 bits) The modification applied on the opcode as

  1. Only opcode is represented as 7 bits (not 8) as in SIC
  2. The 8th bit of the opcode represents the immediate flag (i) which has two values a. 0 if the instruction without immediate value (has an address) b. 1 if the instruction with immediate value


Mnemonic Format Opcode Effect

ADD m 3/4 18 A <-- (A) + (m..m+2)

AND m 3/4 40 A <-- (A) & (m..m+2)

COMP m 3/4 28 A : (m..m+2)

DIV m 3/4 24 A : (A) / (m..m+2)

J m 3/4 3C PC <-- m

JEQ m 3/4 30 PC <-- m if CC set to =

JGT m 3/4 34 PC <-- m if CC set to >

JLT m 3/4 38 PC <-- m if CC set to <

JSUB m 3/4 48 L <-- (PC); PC <-- m

LDA m 3/4 00 A <-- (m..m+2)

LDCH m 3/4 50 A [rightmost byte] <-- (m)

LDL m 3/4 08 L <-- (m..m+2)

LDX m 3/4 04 X <-- (m..m+2)

MUL m 3/4 20 A <-- (A) * (m..m+2)

OR m 3/4 44 A <-- (A) | (m..m+2)

RD m 3/4 D8 A [rightmost byte] <-- data

RSUB 3/4 4C PC <-- (L)

STA m 3/4 0C m..m+2 <-- (A)

STCH m 3/4 54 m <-- (A) [rightmost byte]

STL m 3/4 14 m..m+2 <-- (L)

STSW m 3/4 E8 m..m+2 <-- (SW)

STX m 3/4 10 m..m+2 <-- (X)

SUB m 3/4 1C A <-- (A) - (m..m+2)

TD m 3/4 E0 Test device specified by (m)

TIX m 3/4 2C X <-- (X) + 1; (X) : (m..m+2)

WD m 3/4 DC Device specified by (m) <-- (A)[rightmost byte]

FIX 1 C4 A <- (F) [Convert to integer]

FLOAT 1 C0 F <- (A) [Convert to floating]

HIO 1 F4 Halt I/O channel number (A)

NORM 1 C8 F <- (F) [normalized]

SIO 1 F0 Start I/O channel number (A); address of channel program is given by (S)

TIO 1 F8 Test I/O channel number (A)