- You will need The WebRTC gdnative plugin.
- 'git submodule add' this repository to your addons folder.
- This library uses dynamic types and the MessagePack library. This requires editing your projects csproj file. ExampleCSProject.csproj has comments indicating which lines to copy.
- Click "Add Peer";
- Copy the text in the output field, and send to desired user via messaging app.
- (Continued after instructions to join for your counterpart) ...
- Copy the text sent earlier into the input field.
- Click "Join Mesh"
- Copy the text in the output field and send to the person inviting you.
- Copy the text sent by your invitee into the input field
- Click "Submit"
The peer should be listed with a hexadecimal ID, and it's status to the left of it should read "NOMINAL".