Minikube Addon that automates the build and deployment process of k8 nodes when work files are updated.


  1. Run minikube start in a terminal tab
  2. Open a seperate terminal window. Mount on working directory where files are watched by running minikube mount /"path to files":mount-9p ex: minikube mount /Users/Frasaja/Github/:mount-9p
  • leave the tab used to mount open. Move back to the tab where minikube is running.
  1. With minikube started, run minikube enable frasaja
  2. Run minikube open frasaja
  3. The addon will now rebuild your application when a file in the mounted directory is changed

in the main folder... run npm run build

in the root directory... to get started, run in separate terminal window minikube mount /Users/.../frasajaImage/test:/mount-9p

in another terminal window run make create

make create: (1) builds frasaja's docker image (2) builds test docker image (3) create kubernetes deployment/service for frasaja (4) create kubernetes deployment/service for test files

when finished run make delete to remove kubernetes deployments and services