
SurrealDB + Actix-Web project

Primary LanguageRust

SurrealDB Project with Actix-Web

This project demonstrates a basic Actix-Web server interfacing with SurrealDB to insert and query person records. It uses Rust's powerful async capabilities alongside SurrealDB's flexible schema-less data storage.

Getting Started


  • Rust Programming Language
  • SurrealDB installed locally

Running SurrealDB

Start your SurrealDB instance with the following command:

surreal start file:demo-db --user root --password root

This command initializes a new SurrealDB instance using file-based storage.

Setting Up the Project

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/ASoldo/surrealdb-proj.git
    cd surrealdb-proj
  2. Build the project:

    cargo build
  3. Start the SurrealDB

    surreal start file:db-demo --user root --password root
  4. Run the Actix-Web server:

    cargo run

The server will start on

API Endpoints

The server exposes two endpoints:

  1. Insert Person: Inserts a new person record into the database.

    curl -v


        "id": { "tb": "person", "id": { "String": "up0a5uelp375nziy2lx8" } },
        "marketing": true,
        "name": "Rootster",
        "title": "Founder & CEO"
  2. Query Person: Retrieves all person records from the database.



    Query result: [Object {"id": Object {"tb": String("person"), "id": Object {"String": String("up0a5uelp375nziy2lx8")}}, "marketing": Bool(true), "name": String("Rootster"), "title": String("Founder & CEO")}]


The project's dependencies are defined in Cargo.toml:

  • actix-web for the web server framework.
  • serde and serde_json for serializing and deserializing the JSON data.
  • surrealdb for interacting with the SurrealDB database.

Start TiKV

tiup playground --tag surrealdb --mode tikv-slim --pd 1 --kv 1


tiup playground --tag surrealdb --pd 1 --kv 1

Start SurrealDB with TiKV

surreal start --log trace tikv://

Start SurrealDB with local db file

surreal start file:demo-db --user root --password root

Connect to local SurrealDB

surreal sql --endpoint --username root --password root --namespace test --database test


Use to profile application and generate flamegraph

cargo flamegraph --dev -- --no-rosegment