
Primary LanguagePython



Common image analysis using pyqtgraph and optionally, OpenCV. Features:

  • Input source: file, EPICS (requires pyepics), ADO (requires cns.py).
  • Accepts data from vectored ADO parameters, user have to define the array shape (program options: -w --width,height,bits/channel).
  • Wide range of image formats.
  • 16-bit/channel images supported (requires PyPNG or OpenCV).
  • Image orientation and rotation (program options: -o and -R).
  • Interactive zooming, panning, rotation.
  • Contrast control: Displays histogram of image data with movable region defining the dark/light levels.
  • ROI and embedded plot for measuring image values.
  • Isocurves. The isocurve level defines the threshold for spot finding.
  • Fast multi-spot finder, reports and logs centroid position and integral of most intense spots in the ROI.
  • Export as PNG,TIFF, JPG..., SVG?, Matplotlib, CSV, HDF5.
  • Interactive python console with access to image data, graphics objects and shell commands (program option: -c).
  • Configuration and reporting in the parameter dock.
  • Image references: save/retrieve image to/from a reference slots.
  • Binary operation on current image and a reference: addition, subtraction.
  • Continuous background subtraction.