
This repository houses deployment templates for use with our Azure Marketplace offerings related to Flamenco and Blender render farms.


Welcome! This repository houses deployment templates for use with our Azure Marketplace offerings related to Flamenco and Blender render farms. Use the templates and documentation here to get started or with a few different scenarios.

FlamencoManager_rg-network Use this template to deploy an empty network with the subnets, IP address space, and security groups expected by the Windows version of the Flamenco Manager and Worker nodes.

Current versions of the Manager and Worker VMs

Flamenco Manager
Flamenco Worker with Blender

TODO: Template to deploy network, 1 manager vm, 1 worker vm

TODO: Template to deploy network, 1 manager vm, 1 worker vm small enough to fit in an (free) Azure Trial subscription

Getting Started

TODO: Getting Started

  1. Installation process
  2. Software dependencies
  3. Connecting to Blender cloud
  4. Latest releases
  5. References