Version of the Joystick breakout board that maps well into the XBox Adaptive Controller

Adafruit's board is great, but the XAC wants the switch to short to VCC, not GND, and it's easier for us to put 3.5mm PTH components on this board than to wire it up.

Remaining Readme is from Adafruit. Thank you, Adafruit for this great work.

PCB files for breakout board for Analog 2-axis Thumb Joystick with Select Button

Click here to purchase one from the Adafruit shop

This mini-kit makes it easy to mount a PSP/Xbox-like thumb joystick to your project. The thumbstick is an analog joystick - more accurate and sensitive than just 'directional' joysticks - with a 'press in to select' button. Since it's analog, you'll need two analog reading pins on your microcontroller to determine X and Y. Having an extra digital input will let you read the switch.

The pack comes in three parts - the joystick itself, a soft-touch rubber 'hat' and a nicely designed breakout board. We designed the breakout so that you can attach the joystick to a panel easily - every other breakout we wanted to carry had the mounting holes so they were in the way of the joystick movement! A 5 pin 0.1" spaced header makes it easy to connect either in a perfboard/breadboard setting or free wiring. You'll need to solder the joystick into the PCB using a soldering iron and solder, but its very simple and will only take a minute.


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