#ASKQUEUE ###(pronounced "askew")

This is a lightweight student question management app I'm working on.

Live demo at http://development.tiy-atm-askqueue.divshot.io!


Keeping up with the pace of information in a coding bootcamp is hard. This difficulty is compounded when you're confused about a topic and need clarification. It can be intimidating to interrupt lecture with a question and it can often feel like it's not worth asking something just for yourself. By the time you've grappled with whether or not to ask, the moment's passed and you may have even forgotten the question!

AskQueue's purpose is to let a student ask a question without necessarily breaking lecture. It also stands as a communal platform where students with the same question can upvote the query. This builds confidence and lets an instructor see which questions may represent points that need further attention, versus those that are one-off issues and can be addressed later on. Askqueue is intentionally anonymous to prevent students from feeling embarassed about asking anything.


This project is being written as a self-study specifically for application at The Iron Yard Academy in Greenville, SC. If there's adoption there I'd like to think it could be polished and offered to other Iron Yard campuses or other classrooms as a whole.