
A collection of knowledge, tools, and skills that we've come to find useful, packaged up as a software engineering apprenticeship program.


EngineerKit Map



These 15 modules represent a generalist software engineer's core knowledge and skills.



A great way to start contributing is to first join our Discord to connect with the EngineerKit community!

Pulling upstream changes from engineerkit/engineerkit into your private fork

While we always promote sharing with the open-source community, some companies might find it necessary to privately fork EngineerKit if they have some software engineering standards they want to keep to themselves. Here's a quick guide on how to do this with EngineerKit:

  • First clone down your private repo
  • To add a new remote to your local repo connected to the engineerkit/engineerkit repo, run
    git remote add public git@github.com:engineerkit/engineerkit.git
  • To create a branch where you'll pull changes into, run
    git checkout -b add_awesome_new_topics
  • To pull down changes into your new branch, run
    git pull public main
  • Resolve any merge conflicts
  • To push up your changes to your private fork, run
    git push