Telegram Username to User ID Converter Bot

Table of Contents


To use the Telegram Username to User ID Converter Bot, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies.

    cd telegram-username-to-user-id-bot
  3. Replace Telegram Token: Open the file and replace the YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN_HERE placeholder with your own Telegram bot token. You can obtain a token by creating a new bot using BotFather.

    # Replace 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN_HERE' with your own Telegram bot token
  4. Run the Bot: Start the bot by running the file.


That's it! The bot should now be up and running, ready to convert Telegram usernames to user IDs.


To use the Telegram Username to User ID Converter Bot, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Bot: Start a conversation with the bot by searching for it on Telegram and typing "/Start".
  2. Get User ID: Once the bot welcomes you, send your username to the bot. It will then reply with your user ID.

That's it! The bot will handle the rest.


We welcome contributions to improve the Telegram Username to User ID Converter Bot.

Thank you for contributing!