
Cell pseudotime reconstruction based on genetic algorithm

Primary LanguageR


Cell pseudotime reconstruction based on genetic algorithm

The package pseudoga can be used to perform pseudotime analysis on single cell gene expression data. Given a homogeneous population of cells, the cells can be ordered to form a trajectory. Given a heterogeneous population and cell cluster ids, the packages can be used to find a tree structure based on pseudotime ordering of cells.

Input must be provided as SingleCellExperiment object with the expression matrix denoting rows as genes and columns as cells.




counts <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda = 10), ncol=100, nrow=100)

sce <- SingleCellExperiment(list(counts=counts))

sce<-pseudoga(sce) #Usual PseudoGA

sce1<-pseudoga_parallel(sce) #PseudoGA based on subsampling


The object "Pseudotime" under "colData" contains inferred pseduotime by PseudoGA.


For large number of cells, "pseudoga_parallel" is more suitable. One should check all the parameters carefully before applying these two functions. For details about the parameters, type:

