A dual-use chemical tracking system that utilizes supply chain data is a technological solution that can serve both commercial and security purposes. This system involves the monitoring and tracing of chemical substances from their origin point to their final destination across the supply chain, including manufacturing, transportation, and distribution.
The primary objective of this system is to enhance the efficiency and transparency of supply chain operations by providing real-time data on the movement and location of chemical substances. This information can be utilized to optimize supply chain logistics, improve inventory management, and promote seamless communication between suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.
Furthermore, this system can also be employed for security purposes, such as preventing the unlawful diversion of chemicals for use in the production of illegal drugs or weapons. By monitoring the movement of chemicals through the supply chain, authorities can identify any dubious activity and take necessary steps to prevent illegal activities.
In summary, a dual-use chemical tracking system that leverages supply chain data can bring forth advantages for both commercial and security purposes. It can facilitate the efficient and transparent management of the supply chain while also promoting safety and security through effective monitoring and tracking of chemical substances.
- Solidity
- Javascript
- Html
- Blockchain
- Download and install Ganache from https//www.trufflesuite.com/ganache.Install XAMPP on Windows from https//www.apachefriends.org/download.html
Download and install Google Chrome.
- If you do not formerly have it. also, go to the Chrome store and download the Metamask extension from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn. Create an account on Metamask.
- Launch Ganache. In Metamask, elect Networks> Custom RPC. Name the network anything you like. Copy the RPC Garçon URL from Ganache( generally HTTP:// but check to be sure).
- Go to Metamask> Accounts> Import Account.
- In Ganache, go to the Accounts tab, click on the crucial icon on the right for any account, and copy the private key.
- Paste this key into the Metamask import account section.
- Copy thesmartcontract.sol train from this depository and bury it into the law section at https://remix.ethereum.org/.Save the train, go to the Compile tab, and collect the law.
- Go to the Deploy tab, elect Environment as"Injected Provider-Metamask".
- Click on Deploy. Copy the contract address and bury it into theapp.js train. Copy the contract ABI from the Compile tab and bury it into theapp.js train.
- Install Node.js
$ npm install
- Install Truffle
$ npm install -g truffle
$ truffle version